Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Social Networking and Its Affects on Interpersonal...

Social Networking: Has it Taken the Place of Interpersonal Communication? Kywra Carter GEN/200 08/18/2010 Nikki Sulcer For those of you who have been living under a rock for the past five years, welcome to the world of social networking. According to ComScore, over one billion people use social networking sites across the globe. That means that everyone who’s anyone has a page or account with twitter, myspace, facebook, skype or any of the other hundred emerging sites. People have discovered a better way to communicate with other people all over the world, far surpassing snail mail and e-mail. Why send a letter to your cousin living in France or pay outrageous money for a phone call to your brother stationed in the Middle†¦show more content†¦Whatever happened to love at first sight or meeting in some random place and time and sparking a connection? Is it a lack of being able to find that special person or a need to control every aspect of a potential union that drives us to use these sites? Are we so lazy and dependent on technology doing everything for us that we would leave someth ing like love up to a computer to analyze and calculate and hopefully match us up with our soul mates? Maybe, maybe not, although one thing is apparent, as long as we have the resources to improve on things like finding someone to love the demand for such sites will remain elevated. When you start school as a young child one of the first things you learn is how to write. This is a skill that is pertinent throughout and in every aspect of your life. If you wanted to communicate with loved ones or distant friends before the age of the telephone and even then, you would write a letter, send it off, and wait for a response. In today’s society however, everything is on the go and fast-paced. The USPS processed and shipped over 177 billion pieces of mail in 2009 (USPS Para. 2) but apparently no one has time to sit around and write long letters or more importantly wait for thoseShow MoreRelatedThe Health Of Technology And Interpersonal Communication Essay865 Words   |  4 Pages(2009). The Social Context of Interpersonal Communication and Health. Journal Of Health Communication, 145-17. doi:10.1080/10810730902806836 This article focuses on the health of technology and interpersonal communication. The article goes in depth on how social networking can contribute to helping people coupe with stress via social support, reduce of depression, improve behavior and many others. This article will benefit my research and allow me to recognize the positives social communication can makeRead MoreEssay on The Negative Effects of Too Much Social Media1376 Words   |  6 PagesOver the past few years social media has grown to be a phenomenon in our culture. â€Å"Facebook operates the world’s No. 1 Internet social media network with 1.2 billion users,† and this is just one venue for social media (Oreskovic, 2014). As more people from all age demographics begin to log in to this growing phenomenon, it’s important to step back and take a look at the side of social media that is not so enjoyable. We’ve all heard the quote. â€Å"You can’t have too much of a good thing†, but how trueRead MoreHow Social Networking Affects Our Community1515 Words   |  7 PagesSocial networking is a fairly new phenomenon over the last two decades. As with any upcoming technology, the academic community has in turn tried to understand how it will affect our lives as a society. On a more relevant scale, how this kind of progress affects our immediate community. This paper will attempt to argue that since community is an ever evolving concept, social networking today acts as an extension of it in terms of communication and facilitation of ideas, rather than an independentRead MoreEffects Of Online Social Networking On Society966 Words   |  4 Pageswith each other and our environment. Through the development of social networking, it has easily kept us updated on what is going on around the world and in other people’s lives. Instead of face-to-face communication, the younger generation perceives social media to be a place to share emotional connections and st ay connected with their significant other. The aim of this research is to investigate the effects of online social networking constructing romantic relationships. 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MARY’S COLLEGE, BAGANGA A Research Proposal Presented to the Faculty of St. Mary’s College Baganga, Davao Oreintal In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in Basic Research By Jenelyn Orada Saint Mary’s College Baganga, Davao Oriental October 2012 ABSTRACT Social Networking Sites are increasingly popular nowadays. Many SNSdevelopers like FacebookRead MoreFacebook Is Becoming The Primary Means Of Communication And Socialization1655 Words   |  7 Pagesactive users,† making it â€Å"the biggest social networking service based on a global reach and total active users† (Statista). Individuals utilize Facebook in various ways, including but not limited to, sharing news information, advertising, self-promotion, staying in touch with friends and relatives, following public figures, uploading photos, and posting personal feelings. 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I chose this topic because I am interested in learning more information about social media and how it has affected people’s communication skills. I am curious to discover how each source of social media affects communication. Everyday people use their cellular devices to either text, call, or videoRead MoreInterpersonal Communication in Social Network Essay1296 Words   |  6 PagesThe movie â€Å"Social Network† is about the ideas and the development behind the creation of the very popular social networking site â€Å"Facebook†. Mark Zuckerberg is the main character in the movie and also the actual creator of Facebook. There are multiple instances, where various components of interpersonal communication are used throughout this movie. For instance, in the very beginning of the movie Zuckerberg is speaking to his girlfriend Erika, about school, which appears to be a relationship of

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